Welcome to Highcamera.us
Showcased on this website is the photography of Patrick J. Hendrickson collected from the archives spanning 20 years of professional photographic service. If you require the services of a seasoned, competent aerial photographer you may find my core business information at Highcamera.com.
The images on this site have been arranged by terrestrial and aerial subjects of interest. Feel free to browse the images much as you would a magazine, and look for periodic changes to the content which will keep the site fresh and worth revisiting.
It is my hope that viewing these images will provide you (at very least) a momentary distraction and allow you to look through my camera's viewfinder.
All images are available for purchase as enlargements in a variety of sizes. Feel free to email (info@highcamera.us) to request information on ordering prints.
Read more about Patrick J. Hendrickson and Highcamera.us